The Highest Quality of Education
Well-Balanced Brain Education with Authentic Montessori, Froebel and Reggio-based Curriculum & Arts-based Afternoon Clubs for Children’s Successful Future. All human abilities come from brain! The most important education is a brain education from 0 to 6 years (more than 90% of all brain development occurs).

High and Secure Fences around the Spacious Outdoor Playground Located in a One-Storey Building – Safe Even in an Emergency Situation Very Clean Facility – Clean and Sanitise Daily for Our Students’ Health

Open All Year Round Monday to Friday, 6am to 6pm (Excluding School Breaks and PD Days)

We show our students’ daily life to our parents without any hiding. With a secure indoor and outdoor web camera service, you can watch your child conveniently at any time by using a smartphone, laptop or PC at your home or workplace.

Healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Snack are prepared by our On-Site Chef

Spacious Classrooms with Large Windows and Creative Blinders, a Large Wooden Outdoor Playground with a Beautiful Garden and more

*Located in a Very Convenient Location – Minimise Your Commuting Time and Spend More Time with Your Child
*Easy to Access and Leave by Your Car
*Large Car Park – Enjoy Hassle-Free Mornings

Multicultural School Events and Activities to Understand and Respect
Outdoor Space: A Large and Beautiful Multipurpose Space